I remember being taught that I received the gift of the Holy Spirit when I received the sacrament of confirmation. That was a long time ago. It seems now that the Spirit has diminished or has left me completely. How can I get the Spirit back?
When people receive the sacrament of confirmation, they receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength (fortitude), knowledge, fear of the Lord and piety. These gifts are not to meant to be idle or to be kept in storage. They are to be put to good use so they will bear much fruit.
I often compare the spiritual gifts with electricity. If the electrical power line is attached to a house but no one turns on the main switch, no appliances will work. If we don’t “turn on the switch” and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us, nothing will happen. The good news is that we can activate our spirituality by asking the Holy Spirit to “turn on this spiritual power in our lives.”
Let’s look at these seven special gifts of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom is both the knowledge of and judgment about “divine things” and the ability to judge and to direct human affairs according to divine truth. Understanding is penetrating insight into the very heart of things, especially those higher truths that are necessary for our eternal salvation. We put on the mind of God. Counsel allows a person to be directed by God in matters necessary for their salvation.
Fortitude (or strength) is a firmness of mind in doing good and in avoiding evil, especially when it is difficult or dangerous, and the confidence to overcome all obstacles by virtue of the assurance of everlasting life. Knowledge is the ability to judge correctly about matters of faith and right action, so we will never wander from the straight path of justice.
Piety: A pious person makes God the center of their thinking, judging and acting. Once someone comes to know God, they put the Almighty in first place in their lives. Piety also involves honoring everyone because of their relationship to God. Fear of God is remembering who we are and who God is. We revere God and avoid separating ourselves from God’s love for us.
In his letter to the Galatians, St. Paul lists the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). When a confirmed person cooperates with these graces, these fruits expand and intensify.
Love is the highest form of love for God and for neighbor. It is selfless, focused on the other person, given freely and gladly without condition or the expectation of repayment, expressed in service, and willing to suffer for others.
Joy is an interior contentment that comes from being close to God and in right relationship with others. Joy also comes with speaking and upholding the truth, honesty, and integrity in relationships, with enduring hardships and with decent conduct.
Peace is the harmony that occurs when justice prevails; it happens when we share resources equitably. Power is used for service by fostering interdependence, by sharing information openly and honestly, by respecting the dignity of each person, by tolerating legitimate differences, by helping the disadvantaged, by forgiving hurts, and by upholding the common good.
Patience is the virtue of suffering interruption or delay with composure and without complaint; it is being able to suffer annoyance, insult or mistreatment with self-restraint, and is refusing to be provoked. It is also the willingness to slow down for another’s benefit, to set aside one’s personal plans and concerns, and to take whatever time is necessary to address their need.
Kindness is a warm and friendly disposition toward another. A kind person is polite and well mannered, respectful and considerate, pleasant and agreeable, cheerful and upbeat, caring and helpful, positive and complimentary.
Generosity is grounded in an abundance mentality. It is unselfish, and it expresses itself in sharing. We extend it to family and friends, to strangers, and particularly to those in need; we offer not only as money, food and clothing, but also as time shared and assistance provided.
Faithfulness is shown by loyalty and fulfillment to friends, duties, promises, commitments, contracts and vows; it is the virtue of being true to one’s word.
Gentleness is sensitivity for another person. It is concerned with another’s welfare, safety and security. It is grounded in humility. The approach is careful, tender, considerate, affectionate and mild-mannered; it is free of all pushiness, roughness or abrasiveness. Self-control is self-mastery despite the circumstances; it is to be in control of oneself rather than to be controlled by temptations, events or other people, especially when under pressure or in times of crisis. It is to remain calm, cool, collected, reasonable and even-tempered; it is to be alert and conscious, to act with caution and prudence, and to avoid an impulse response. It’s the strength and courage to reject evil and to choose good.
Turn on “your switch” and invite the Holy Spirit to be the center of your life!